Sabtu, 10 November 2012

CCU ( Cross Culture Understanding)

Benefits of Learn Cross Culture Understanding
Introduction to the culture of each ethnic group in Indonesia by an Indonesian citizen is important. Because multicultural characteristic is inherent in our country, Indonesia. And it is as an asset of the nation has been able to become a force in uniting our nation in the form of the nation-state form of union premises. But an understanding of the culture of our nation is still very limited. Therefore, it needs to start early introduction of Cross Culture Understanding to all citizens of the nation in order to understand the consciousness of the nation's cultural diversity, each of which has a meaning in life.
Cross Culture Understanding is a study to connects or to relates the two cultures or customs between countries, it aims to gain an understanding of different cultures and customs of the two countries. And while culture itself is a whole complex, in which contained knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, customs, and habits of a group of people. So Cross Culture Understanding refers to the basic ability of people within a community to recognize, interpret and correctly react to people, incidences or situations that are open to misunderstanding due to cultural differences.
While some cultural characteristics consist of:
1.       Communication and language
System of communication, verbal and non-verbal, one element that distinguishes one group against another. There are about 15 major languages ​​or more and each of those contained dialect, jargon, and many other kinds. And the body language or gestures are may be universal but it is different meaning either locally or culturally.
2.      Clothing and appearance
It is Includes clothes, jewelry and makeup. This outfit will be characteristic of the signifies a person that come from the areas. Or characteristic painting of the face and bodies (likes Papua’s people or Indian) signify that they were being war or braveness.
3.      Food and eating habits
These characteristics are related to things in the selection, presentation, and how to eat (the way). As we know that the Muslims forbidden  to eat pork (pig’s meat), but it do not apply to those people of China . and Sundanese people seem happy eating without using the spoon (hands only), but it will look impolite to those west people.
4.     Time and awareness of time
This is about people's views of the time. Most of the people can be on time and others view relativizes time. There are people who do not regard to hours or minutes but just mark time by the sun (sunrise or at sunset).
5.      Awards and Recognition
One way to observe a culture is to consider how and methods give praise for good deeds and brave, old dedication or other forms of task completion.
6.     Relations
Culture also regulate human relations and organization relations based on age, gender, status, family, wealth, power, and wisdom.
7.     Values ​​and Norms
Based on the adopted value system, a culture defines  norms behavior of the community. This rule can pertain to a variety of things, ranging from work ethic or pleasure until to an absolute compliance or permissibility for children; begin rigidly wife surrender to her husband until to women's liberation in total.
8.     Sense of Self and Space
Comfort that a person has of himself can be expressed differently by each culture. Some cultures are very structured and formal, while others culture are more flexible and informal. Some cultures are very closed and determine exactly where a person, while the others culture more open to other cultures and change.
9.     The process of mental and learning
Some cultures emphasize aspects of brain development than other aspects so people can observe striking differences in the way people think and learn something.
10.  Trust (Belief) and attitudes
All cultures seem to have the attention to things supernatural that is clear in religions and their religious practices or beliefs.
And ofcourse almost of us realize that every culture has  their personal characters. Even when it is opposite each other. On one culture the attitude is acceptable, but in other culture that is unacceptable. For example We ever heard or watch in the television or radio about conflict between two culture or more. So the cultural conflict can make greater problem for both parties that misunderstand each other.  The problem is small for example about the greeting to relate to people can destroy the true purpose is to society. And another sample is I have a friend, she comes from  Java but she lives in Tumbangtiti (that is a small town located about 100 km from Ketapang, West Kalimantan). She had a good story when she lives there, one day she asked the destination of place that neighbors wants to travel. Then her neighbor answered with a word "I don’t know". As she is a Java person, she felt surprise. Whereas the context of the conversation that she said was meant to say hello, but the neighbor answered my friend’s greeting with different response.
However cultural conflicts do give big opportunity to raise the issue in a multicultural society like Yogyakarta and others city. Therefore, anyone and especially young people (Young Generations) need to learn about cross-cultural understanding so that they can understand the cultural differences as an opportunity to enrich the culture and art of human life between one area and another area. Recent Generation does need this knowledge for strong socialization to understand cultural character, in order to avoid conflict and the gap between the one culture and the another culture. Beside that Cross-cultural Understanding learning is very important for us to reach even more without causing rejection from other culture.
Some reason studying Cross Culture Understanding, they are:
1.       The world is shrinking and the capacity to understand of  variety culture is needed.
2.      All the cultures have function and they are very important for members of the cultural experience although it is different values.
3.      The values ​​of each society as "good" as values ​​of other society.
4.     Any individual and / or culture get right to use its own values.
5.      Differences of Individual are important, but there are assumptions and fundamental cultural patterns prevailing.
6.     An understanding of their own cultural values ​​is a prerequisite to identify and understand the values ​​of other cultures.
7.     By overcoming cultural barriers to connect with others, we gain an understanding and appreciation for the needs, aspirations, feelings and human problems.
8.     An understanding of other people across cultures and between individuals is a business that requires courage and sensitivity. The more threatened people's view of the world to view our world, the more we have to learn from him, but more dangerous to understand.
9.     The experiences between cultures can be fun and foster a personality.
10.  Communication skills that are gained can facilitate transfer someone from a monocultural to multicultural human interaction into view.
11.    Cultural differences indicate the need for admission in communication, but the differences are not bothersome or facilitate arbitrary.
And as the purposes of studying this Cross-Cultural Understanding outline of the cognitive and affective perspective, they are:
1.       Recognizing their own cultural biases.
2.      We can be more culturally sensitive.
3.      To gain the capacity to really engage with members of other cultures to create a lasting and satisfy relationship person.
4.     To Stimulate greater understanding.
5.      To expand and deepen our experience about culture.
6.     To study the communication skills that make a person able to accept their own communication style and content.
7.     Assisting to understand of culture as a thing that can result and maintain the universe of discourse and meaning for its members.
8.     Helping to understand the cross-cultural contact as a ways to obtain or to gain  a view into their own culture; assumptions, values, freedoms and limitations.
9.     Helping to understand the models, concepts and applications of communication’s part between cultures.
10.  Assisting to realize that different value systems can be systematically studied, compared and understood.
So from the explanation above that we can take conclusion that the knowledge is very necessary for us either for one who want to work, school or stay in another country and even it is needed for they just traveled. It is recommended to know how the customs and habits of the people in the countries where we choose. After we know their habits, culture and customs, we can understand and accept it into our life. In addition it is useful to avoid misunderstandings, it is also that we understand the customs of the country and in other that we are not getting a war and against each other.
So with Learning Cross Culture Understanding, we can accept differences that exist around us because actually the something different that exist between us is the real thing can unite us.

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