Sabtu, 08 Desember 2012

Sample of Lesson Plan By Me


School                             : MTs/SMP
Class                               : IX
Model of text                   : Transactional / Interpersonal
Theme/material                : Asking For Repetition, Showing Concern, and Stating Exclamation/Admiration.
Aspect                             : Speaking
Time                               : 2 X 45 minutes

Standard of competence : Speaking
Understanding the meaning of transactional and interpersonal conversations of short verbal simple to interact in the context of daily life.

Based competence (3.2)
Expressing the meaning in conversation transactional (to get things done) and interpersonal (social) using a variety of short simple spoken language accurately, fluently and acceptable to interact in the context of everyday life that involve speech acts: asking for repetition, showing concern, and stating exclamation/admiration.

1.        Instructional objectives
In the end of the lesson students should be able to:
a.       Know the meaning of those expressions.
b.      Say or express those expressions.
c.       Respone those expressions.
d.      Know how to use those expressions in their life.
e.       Apply those expressions in their life.
Student’s character are hope:
a.       Independent
b.      Confidence
c.       Responsible
d.      Honest
2.    Material
a.       Communication Practice
Ë Expressions of Asking for Repetetion:                                                           

Ë  I beg your pardon ?                                              
Ë  Pardon ?
Ë  Sorry ?
Ë  Excuse me?
Ë  Would you mind saying that again?, etc.
Ë  Could you repeat once again, please?
Ë  I’m sorry, I can’t catch what you said?
Ë  What did you say?
Ë  I’m sorry, I can’t hear you.
Ë  Would you mind repeating that?
Ë  Sorry, what did you say?

Ë  Would you be louder, please?

Ë Response of Asking for Repetation:
Ë  Sure
Ë  With pleasure
Ë  I said…, etc.

       Response of Showing Concern:
       After that..
       Next…, etc

       Expression of Showing Concern:
       What do you mean?
       What happen next?
       Tell me more about next?
       Then?, etc.

µ  Response of Exclamation/Admiration:
µ  Thank You
µ  Thank You So Much, etc.

µ  Expressions of Exclamation/Admiration:
µ  How beautiful you are !
µ  What a beautiful dress is !
µ  What a girl !, etc.

b.      Grammar Practice
Asking Repetation                       :Would + S (You) + Mind + V-Ing + O ?
Showing Concern                        :What + V + next ?
Admiration/Exclamation :How + Adjective + S + V (to be).
                                         :What + article (a/an) + adjective + S + V (to be).
                                         :What + article (a/an) + noun !

c.       Pronunciation

Could                   : kʊd
Repeat                  : rɪˈpiːt
Catch                   : kætʃ
Hear                     : hɪə r
Pardon                 : ˈpɑː.də n
Excuse                  : ɪkˈskjuːz
Pleasure               : ˈpleʒ.ə r
Happen                : ˈhæp. ə n/
Next                    : nekst
Beautiful              : ˈbjuː.tɪ.f ə l
Girl                      : gɜːl

3.    Method of Teaching
Using three-phase technique (Exploration, Elaboration, and Confirmation)

4.    Teaching Steps
a.    Introduction
-          Aperseption
1.        The teacher gives greeting and Students are reminded material in the last week.
2.       The teacher gives fun story relates the material today.
-          Motivation
Motivating the students that importance of mastering this material well, that is to help students understand the expressions that related with their life.
b.    Core Activity

Teacher’s activity
Student’s activity
The teacher explains the material for today and define them.
Students focus on teacher’s explanation
The teacher explains the grammar’s form of those expressions
Students write them on their book
The teacher spells those expresions correctly and loudly.
Students listen carefully and repeate what teacher said.

Teacher’s activity
Student’s activity
The teacher asks student to make a group based on number of attendence.
Students join into the group appropriate with the number of attendence.
The teacher gives text of conversation on the paper to every group and asks them to fill in the blank coloumns with suit and correct expressions.
Students collaborate and discuss each other with their partner to find the suit and correct answers.
The teacher asks every group to reveal their answers and practice the dialogue (on the paper) in front of class.
Students show their answer and performance in front of class.
The teacher praises their working and give aplouse for them.
Students give applouse too.
The teacher reveals the best group and gives a small present for one group that work correctly.
Some students move forward and receive the small gifts and others give them applouse.

Teacher’s activity
Student’s activity
The teacher gives the correct answer based on the text of conversation.
Student pay attention.
The teacher asks the students whether they find difficulties or problem toward the material.
One of some students raise their right hand and reveal their problem or difficulteis about the material.
The teacher answers it and gives some tips to solve questions like that.
Students focuse on teacher’s explanation.      
The teacher gives students a motivation to be more active in the next Learning.
Students pay attention.

c.    Closing Activity
-          The teacher and students make a conclusion about material.
-          The teacher informs students a material for next meeting.
-          The teacher and students do reflection together.
-          The teacher closes the meeting with saying greeting or Salam.

5.    Resources of learning
-          Text of conversation (the paper)
-          A text book that relates the materal.

6.    Assessment tool (evaluation)
a.       Written Test
1.        Using expressions of asking for repetation and Showing the concern, Create the dialogue based on the themes bellow:
-          Studying in the class
-          Informing the news to your friend
-          Accident near your house.
2.       Using expressions of admiration or Exclamation, create the conversation based on the theme bellow:
-          New car
-          New house
-          New boyfriend
b.      Oral Test
1.        You can’t hear what the teacher explained, what will you say?
2.       How to express your feeling if you want to know about something.
3.       You look the shoes that your friend wears is nice, what will you say.

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